Yolanda has been working with her butterfly collection for over ten years. At first she made every piece herself, but now she employs a team in Peru, her home country. «While we are working with the wings, we can not touch, in anyway. Because if you touch even a litle bit with your hands it can be damaged». She and her team use special tools to manipulate the delicate butterfly wings into jewelry, trapping them in resin and setting them in Sterling Silver to create a long -lasting and waterproof piece

«I was very close to my grandma, I grew up with her, When she passed away, Ifelt depressed for a long time. I didn’t want to do anything. One day I was walking downtown and I saw a butterfly – it caught my attention because that is unusual. Then on the second block I saw again the same butterfly around me. «Yolanda felt that butterfly was bringing her a message from her grandmother. «I felt her presence and understood her message about the cycle of rebirth, passion,freedom, live and love.